Cool-a-Zone Cool Box

PRICE: $125 1-7 Days, $500 per Month

Control the climate of your outdoor space with this Cool-A-Zone Cool Box. Ideal for backyards, outdoor events, restaurant patios, industrial applications or even disaster relief, this evaporative air cooler can lower air temperatures directly in front of unit from 10 – 25 degrees using water-soaked cooling pads. No condensation or exhaust hose is required to use this air cooler, simply fill the 21 gallon reservoir with water, plug it in and then chill out. Because the Cool Box maintains continuous circulation, it is effective at controlling mosquitoes during your outdoor barbecues or pool parties. This machine is capable of moving 4120 CFM of air, cooling 1050 square feet of space, while ionizing the air.

**Subject to delivery and/or installation fees, as well as all applicable local tax-not included in the rental cost.

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